Current Date:

Monday, 31 October 2016

Editorial: Selfishness

It is all about the fragmentation of the country into small states. The division of Sudan into Sudan and South Sudan is the function of SPLM/A.

By the same token, its present branch in Sudan, SPLM/N, has been noted as being engaged in doing the same thing; further fragmenting the country. Now, SPLM/A as an opposition party, led by Yassir Arman, has the intention to let the two areas (South Kordofan and the Blue Nile) get separated too from Sudan.
In this regard, there is a question that poses itself vehemently here; who authorizes this Arman and the SPLM/A to which he affiliates to carry out this scenario of fragmenting the country into pieces? The citizens of the two areas are the ones who are to answer this question clearly. They do consider SPLM/A as a true stumbling block that is well manifested in the hardships and miseries they have been experiencing now. The subject matter of the relief items is the real exemplification of this. SPLM/A insists that they should be brought from abroad, despite the fact that there is a possibility to avail such a thing from within. It is the Sudanese government that is very willing to do it today before tomorrow.
It is well known globally that provision of relief items from abroad without the consent of the incumbent government is a sheer violation of its sovereignity. Also, and under no circumstance, any wise and honorable nation is to allow the occurrence of such a thing.
However, such an orientation on the part of SPLM/N is quite ignorant and negligent of the hungry and the poor in the two areas.
A situation as such is quite sufficient to judge the top leader of SPLM/A as being  a mere mercenary and a warmonger whose main concern is the accumulation of both wealth and power, to the exclusion of all else, so to speak.
In conclusion, we can say this; this SPLM/A; and its Arman has not any just cause to fight for. Their intention is wholly governed by sheer selfishness, only the collection of money illegally and governing unjustly.