Current Date:

Monday, 24 October 2016

NISS, State Will Strike Outlaws with Iron Fist

Khartoum- Deputy General Manager of National Intelligence & Security Service, General Security Usama Mukhtar witnessed yesterday Wednesday 19th October at the camps

land in Kerari the graduation of batch (82) of individuals of the National Intelligence& Security Service.
He affirmed while addressing the graduating batch that the batch will be a strong addition to the security system in the country which seeing “as he put it” the biggest transformation in its history since independenace, which the national dialogue which constitutes a landmark.
General Usama stressed that the state will strike with an iron fist all the outlaws, promising that security will trace all lawbreakers and saboteurs and calling on the holdouts to come on board the national dialogue and peace. He added that the NISS will continue to undertake its role in protecting the accomplishments of the state and will be a protector and guard for the national dialogue and its outcomes.
General Usama said Sudan’s foreign relation are seeing an outward trend and a great development with neighborhood countries, Gulf countries and many western countries.
He added that when Sudan sees a progress and development the international agent organization connive against it, citing as example the last fabrication of Amnesty International.