Current Date:

Tuesday, 06 March 2018

Kuwait Signs MoU with Sudan on Exchange of Manpower

Khartoum- Kuwaiti Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Hind Al Sebaih has announced signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Sudan on exchange of manpower in all fields of the public and private sectors besides exchange of expertise as Sudan has a pioneering experience in the field of vocational training and social banking through the Saving and Family Banks.
The Kuwaiti Minister said at the conclusion of her three-day visit to Sudan that the Sudanese Minister of Labor and Administrative Reform Ahmed Babikir Nahar would visit Kuwait next May, indicating that agreement has been reached on exchange of visits, especially at the technical levels for exchange of expertise.
The Kuwaiti Minister of Social Affairs and Labor held talks during the visit with a number of Sudanese officials and signed an agreement on boosting cooperation between the two sides in the fields of social affairs and labor.