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Saturday, 28 April 2018

Chief Justice Visits Chinguitel Telecom in Mauritania, Praises Sudatel Group and its External operators

Khartoum- On the sidelines of the 8th conference of chief justices of the Arab states convened in Mauritania

, Chief Justice Hon. Prof. Haider Ahmed Dafallah, accompanied by Sudan Ambassador to Nouakchott Balal Gasmallah, paid a visit to Chinguitel telecom company, which is one of the investments of the Sudanese telecommunication company, Sudatel Group, in Mauritania.
The telecommunication company is considered as a pride of the Sudanese investments abroad and a real extension for the pioneering company, Sudatel, in west and northern Africa.
 Hon. Chief Justice and the accompanying delegation heard during the visit a thorough briefing by the administration of the company on its operational systems, as the second telecommunication operator in Mauritania, hailing the pioneering experience, which is considered as a real addition for development.
Sudatel Group’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Eng. Tariq Hamzah Zein Elabdein hailed the historical visit of Hon. Chief Justice, pointing out that the external investments of the group are considered as very successful by all economic standards and that they would work to boost them further for the benefit of the group and the national economy of the Sudan.