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Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Trump; Lift the Embargo Now

All do invariably witness that Sudan has now become a stronger entity in bringing in the desired peace and stability not only to itself

, but others as well, be they neighbors and none. Truly, this is the confession by the enemies before the friends. After it managed to free Darfur from all its problems successfully and efficiently, Sudan has now shifted focus externally. The South Sudan and Libya are now the number one priority to it. Through IGAD, Sudan has done its best to see South Sudan as standing on its own two feet, thus resolving its ongoing war immediately and promptly. 
The same thing applies to Libya. Recently, President Al Bashir and other leaders, especially of the neighboring countries to Sudan, met in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa to seek ways and means to put an end to this predicament of Libya.
Regionally, Sudan has proven beyond any doubt that it is competent enough to let others also enjoy this merit of peace and stability hugely and permanently. For attainment of such a thing, it has been noticed as genuinely involved into two battles at the same time, the combating of terrorism and illegal immigration on one hand, and the restoration of peace and stability to Yemen on the other. This war of Yemen has now been fought in collaboration with other Arab and Islamic countries; conspicuous among them is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 
Sadly, this situation is not without an irony which has been clearly personified by America.  It is apparently noted as playing two contradictory roles simultaneously.  While it has been encouraging Sudan to carry on domestically and regionally to make peace and stability as tangible realities on the ground, America goes on as just crippling it with unbearable sanctions, since 1997 and up to the present moment. In this regard, there is a question that poses itself vehemently here; is for the sake of who does this America continue unlimitedly and insistently in behaving like this?
In conclusion we can say this; if this America, especially the new Administration that is led by Donald Trump, is serious enough in seeing Sudan as playing positive roles internally and externally, the embargo that has been unjustly and wrongly imposed on it should be lifted instantaneously, today before tomorrow.