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Friday, 18 November 2016

Editorial: Libya and the Meeting in Addis Ababa

The Sudanese saying says, ‘your near neighbor is far better than the son of your mother who lives far away’. This is exactly what Sudan has been doing

now, by adhering very closely with all its neighbours, especially those which are physically and geographically bordering it.
As a good illustration of this, President Al Bashir together with the leaderships of other neighboring nations are noticed as gathering in Addis Ababa to discuss ways and means to put an end to  the state of instability and insecurity  that has now been plaguing Libya.
Concerning its Southern neighbor, South Sudan, Sudan has been working untiringly, day and night, to find a lasting solution to the present ongoing conflict there.
Previously, President Al Bashir visited Cairo recently to boost forward vigorously the brotherly bilateral ties with Egypt. During the visit, President Al Bashir has refrained from tackling the issue of Halayib, although it is very crucial to Sudan. In the opinion of President Al Bashir raising such a thing at this time will only serve the goals of the enenmies of the two countries. Needless to say, this is a good gesture on part of Al Bashir which shows how deep rooted the relations between Khartoum and Cario are.
In a related development, President Al Bashir talks positively about the Eastern neighbor, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). He affirms that the security of KSA is a red line; and that under no circumstance it should be crossed.
Regarding Chad, the Western neighbor of Sudan, it has been proven beyond any doubt that it is a true ally. The joint border agreement that has been signed between it and Sudan has brought all the goodness to them mutually. Now, both of them have been enjoying unprecendented and unlimited security and stability.
In conclusion, we can say this; Sudan has been much concerned that all the goodness is to dominate all over the lands of its neighbors particularly that border it shares physically and geographically. The meeting of President Al Bashir with the leaderships of the neighboring countries to Sudan to discuss the Libyan predicament is but the good illustration of this.