Current Date:

Friday, 04 November 2016

Great Lakes States Summit Calls for Intolerance of Armed Groups

Khartoum -- The summit of Great Lakes States has called for necessity not to tolerate with armed groups or supply them with any forms of assistance including providing

shelter to their members to avert and resolve conflicts in the region of the lakes without foreign intervention.
The summit stressed the importance of supporting efforts to development in all parts of the region.
In its final[y communiqué, the summit which wrapped up its activities last Wednesday, called for the need to specifying parties, countries and companies involved  in capitalized on illegal and destructive economic  activities in the states of the region to prevent illegal exploitation of natural resources and trade.
The summit concluded its seventh high level meeting of the Regional Monitoring Mechanism for Security, Peace and Cooperation Status in the region with the participation of a number of heads of states, representatives of regional and international organizations, including the UN and the African Union and South African Development (SADC).
The Vice President Hassabo Mohamed Abdel-Rahman, in his address to the summit, tackled development of conditions in Sudan, especially improving security conditions and the outcomes of the national dialogue, unfair economic sanctions on the country, State Minister for Foreign Ebeidallah Mohamed Ebeidallah stated.
According to Ebeidallah, Vice President Abdel-Rahman called on South Sudan tp implement agreement it signed with Sudan and refrain from support any of armed movements opposed to peace.
Hassabo stated that Sudan had earlier received Riek Machar for humanitarian reasons in the wake of recent conflict in South Sudan and with the knowledge of the government of South Sudan to receive medical treatment, adding that Mr. Machar had already left the country. 
The Great Lakes member states called for concerting efforts among the countries of the region to improve relations via bilateral channels and the existing regional mechanisms.
In his meeting with the Central African Republic’s President, the vice president discussed bilateral relations between the two countries and ways of developing them, thanking the Central African President for his concern with Sudan.