Current Date:

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Ghandour Briefs the Presidency on Sudan Foreign Policies

Khartoum-The Assistant of President of the Republic, Musa Mohamed Ahmed has instructed Foreign Ministry to go ahead with

strengthening Sudan's foreign relations, especially with neighboring countries, continue positive role played by Sudan in the region to achieve security and peace and to narrow differences of views between the brothers over contentious issues.
This came when the Assistant of the President met at the Republican Palace Monday with the Foreign Minister, Professor Ibrahim Ghandour who said in press statements that he briefed the Presidential aide on Sudan's foreign relations.
He described as progressing Sudan relations with China and Russia and the ongoing dialogue with European Union and EU countries as unique and achieved tangible progress, saying Sudan relations within its Arab and African framework are strong and achieved remarkable progress.
Prof. Ghandour said that he informed the Assistant of the President on Sudan relations with neighboring countries and directives of the President to make zero problems with the neighboring countries and the ongoing coordination with the state institutions in this connection.
He disclosed that the meeting tackled Sudan relations with US and commencement of the second phase of dialogue over removing Sudan name from the terror sponsors list.
The Foreign Minister stated that he presented report about UNAMID exit strategy, pointing out that the Foreign Ministry signed yesterday, Sunday, agreement with the Tripartite Committee - African Union, United Nations and Government of Sudan - on the second phase of the strategy as well as on transformation of European countries from humanitarian to development aid.
In the same context, he Assistant of the President of the Republic, Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Sanosi met with Foreign Minister, Professor Ibrahim Ghandour who briefed the Presidential assistant on development of Sudan's external relations.