Khartoum and Tokyo are now working together in order to promote their friendly political ties in future
for the peoples of the two countries , and they affirmed that the relationship between them is improving and that the mutual cooperation is essential for the development of the two countries. The two sides determine to complete cooperative relationship in all fields especially in trade activities , which are representing the cornerstone for their cooperation through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) . Japan Agency has an important role in the field of infrastructure in Sudan and it aims to promote the consolidation of peace , increase the fulfillment of basic human needs for residents including those in the conflict –affected areas. Additionally, JICA aims to contribute to the reduction of poverty of the people of Sudan through assistance for the diversification of industry, including agriculture. Three priority areas of its activities are as follows:- one of these important activities is how consolidation of peace , through the improved fulfillment of basic human needs in the conflict areas , JICA aims to promote the consolidation of peace and the reduction of disparities with main focus on strengthening the capabilities of the state governments.
The second goal is that JICA wants achieve the basic human needs and to promote the establishment of development models and the improvement of the capabilities of government organizations in the fields of health , water sanitation, and vocational training .
The third goal of JICA in Sudan to diversification of industry and it aims to contribute to the development of alternative industries to allow Sudan to break away from its dependency on oil because there are other economic sources instead of oil like for example manufacturing industry which needs Japan's advanced technology and its experience in this domain . JICA will continue to provide technical cooperation and other forms of aid promoting economic and social development in Sudan. Tokyo and Khartoum hope that their partnership will give the people of the two countries a prosperous future . Moreover, JICA provided technical assistance to the 2009 vocational training sector this activity has played a crucial role in developing Sudanese workers capabilities in their different sectors . I think these represent a good gift in the field of vocational training and has played in pushing the cooperation process between the two countries . JICA contributions were known for everybody in Sudan and they almost covered all Sudanese states in the fields of education , health ,water sanitation and infrastructure . Really , Sudan gained this opportunity which provided an important positive step towards cooperation between Khartoum and Tokyo in future .
JICA works with federal and state governments in order to contribute to peace , stability and social development in war-stricken regions. Multi-sector projects in Kassala state and Darfur region aim at rehabilitation and reconstruction of the community's basis such as water supply , maternal and child health and vocational training, several projects provide vocational skills for empowerment of disadvantaged people including youth, ex-combatants, disabled adults and women. It responds to the urgent needs of the residents and communities through improvement of the local economy and social condition. The projects which are implemented in Kassala state aim to achieve the following goals such as developing capacity of Kassala state government to provide public services, the second goal to realizing quick impacts on improvement of livelihood of people in the state.
JICA focus on field oriented operation and is working closely with its counterparts, mainly partner governments it supports of Sudan through grant aid technical cooperation, dispatch of Japanese experts, science and technology research partnership for sustainable development programme, and grassroots technical cooperation, JICA also extends its assistance to cooperation through Japanese citizens participation called Japan overseas cooperation volunteers (JOCV) .
The two states have exerted a great efforts in developing bilateral ties in all fields. Japan diplomatic mission in Khartoum has played a crucial and important role in refreshing and development the diplomatic ties due to create continuing communication in political and economic field especially Japan will has an active role in strengthening its relations with African continent in economic domains and Sudan is considered the main gate to play this part.
Who follows the diplomatic movement between Khartoum and Tokyo he will find that the Sudanese diplomacy has exerted a great efforts in development of the communication process through its diplomatic mission in Japanese capital of Tokyo aims to promoting the confidence and utilization from Japanese advanced technology and using it in researching about different minerals particularly in oil and agriculture domain, because Sudan contains a vast flat lands famous for fertility and Japan is an appropriate state which enable to play this an active part in development of agricultural domain in Sudan .
Khartoum would be keenness to keep its political ties with Japan and pave the way for its companies to enter in agricultural and industrial investment because Japan now is the intimate friend for the Sudan because it contributed more in presenting humanitarian assistance to Khartoum , and Japan was known as humanitarian state and always works for it.
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