Current Date:

Monday, 05 March 2018

Hassabo: Sudan Supports International Justice and Rejects Double Standards

Khartoum - Vice President of the Republic, Hassabo Mohamed Abdul Rahman said that Sudan stands with justice and supports the strengthening of international mechanisms,

but against double standards, calling for the need to consolidate the values ??of justice to avoid extremism and terrorism in the world.
Addressing the first legal conference organized by the Sudanese Bar Association in the Friendship Hall in Khartoum, under the slogan of "The Rule of Law and the Administration of Justice in the Sudan, Experience and Challenges," VP said that lawyers have important role in the country to consolidate the values ??of justice.
He said condition would not be improved but only by improving condition of lawyers in promoting justice and values ??and principles of legal work. He stressed on the need that justice not be as commodity available only for rich people. He pointed out that Sudan respects the rule of law and looks forward to achieve human dignity and freedom, calling for the exercise of rights by respecting the right of others.
He praised the strong stance of the African Union, which stood against the neo-colonial mechanism, and unjust ICC, praising also the Arab League. He called for the need to strengthen local, regional and international judicial institutions to achieve justice, expressing his hope that the conference would reach recommendations to develop legal work experience.
For his part, Secretary General of the Arab Lawyers Union, Abdul Latif Boashrien reiterated their support for Sudan in the face of ICC, which has lost its credibility, pointing out that the conference is considered a leading initiative from Sudan.
Sudanese Bar Association Dean, Al-Tayeb Haroun said that the union is the spearhead in promoting justice and achieving the reform of the state as an independent and impartial body. He pointed out that the Bar Association is not against international criminal justice but against the International Criminal Court, as it is a tool of colonialism.