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Sunday, 03 December 2017

Weekly Roundup:SCP and SPLM-N (Al-Hilo) Lost the Compass

Infiltrated news from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, revealed a meeting between the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP) branch in Saudi Arabia and SPLM-N (Al-Hilu) where the two sides discussed the nature of the formation of the SPLM-N and the SCP, self-determination, and the possibility of entering into alliance between the two parties.
The meeting was condemned by the leading figures and members of the SCP as it violates the principles of the party considering that the issues discussed are not among the priorities of the people whom they represent.
SCP leading figures in Sudan called on the branches abroad to distance itself from any contacts with any SPLM-N factions.
It is apparent that the SPLM-N after losing the sympathy of the international community, especially the US Administration which put it clear that the SPLM-N weakened its stance after the Washington realized the positive steps taken by the Sudanese government, especially on access of humanitarian assistance to S. Sudan and counterterrorism issues.
According to USA Charge d' Affaires to Khartoum, H.E. Steven Koutsis, the US Administration is working  through the troika to convince the armed groups to engage  in the peace process, calling on both sides to commit to peace efforts,  adding the inflexibility of the armed groups will weaken their stances.
As for the SCP, which is a very tiny political party with some hundreds of followers, it is apparent that its leadership has no certain manifesto so they are blundering and as evidence their meeting with the SPLM-N (Al-Hilu) faction in Riyadh which is rejected by its members in Sudan due to the absence of any joint objectives except opposing the Sudanese regime.
It is high time for the SCP leading office to issue a statement condemning the move of its members in Riyadh to prove that it is a Sudanese political party serving the interests of the Sudanese people and not serving the agendas of insurgents, otherwise the party will lose even the some hundred members.