Along the Nile River in Sudan there are millions of acres with vast natural resources and diverse mineral and agricultural resources
. The Nile and its tributaries flow more than 2,000 miles across Sudan, bringing the silt-rich water right to the fields. The British colonial government was the first to capitalize on this in a big way, building a dam in 1925 on the Blue Nile, one of the two main sources of the Nile River Fertility and production. Despite the sanction that has affected the economy for decades.
After nearly 20 years of US economic sanctions against Sudan, when former US President Barack Obama days before left office decided lifting sanction to Khartoum, after have a six-month review period which will be ended in few coming weeks which will end the longest term sanction in Africa ,Sudan made up to its commitments, decided to lift the sanctions in part, a decision that was welcomed by Arab and international economic and financial circles since then. There is no doubt that the lifting of the sanctions on Sudan will have positive effects on the Sudanese economy in terms of the availability of foreign exchange and the revival of foreign investments, especially in the agricultural and financial sectors, as well as the promotion of the health and education sectors, Air and sea also for Sudan will have an opportunity to receive loans and grants from the 16 donor funds and organizations that have prevented the sanctions from reaching their right, as well as major international companies that have been unable to operate business in the Sudanese market due to sanctions and ban on remittances in dollars and other hard currency .Arab companies, banks and financial institutions will launch investment projects and open financing lines and banking relations in all fields with Sudanese companies and banks. And we do not rule out that there are Gulf and Arab banks are planning to enter the Sudanese market by establishing a presence in Sudan to be close to this market promising with full of lucrative investment opportunities. Analysts said good relations with Khartoum could strengthen moderate voices within the country and give the Sudanese government incentives to refrain from the brutal tactics that have defined it for decades. African countries that rely on donated food usually cannot produce enough on their own. Somalia, Ethiopia, Niger and Zimbabwe are all recent examples of how war, natural disasters or gross mismanagement can cut deep into food production, pushing millions of people to the brink of starvation, since the Obama statement of lifting sanction. I investigate how this chance could accelerate the pace of implementation of this resolution on the ground in contact with creditors and the Paris Club and other international banking institutions to activate the decision to move the wheel of development towards Khartoum. It is also useful for the Sudanese government to use major US consultancy firms to help them learn how to take advantage of the lifting of sanctions and not to violate the requirements for lifting sanctions. Coordination between the Sudanese government and the private sector must work to address the deterioration of the Sudanese pound against the dollar, especially with the gradual liberalization of the Sudanese pound. It has 208 million acres of arable land in Sudan, with less than a quarter being cultivated. The Sudanese government is striking deals left and right with Arab countries just across the Red Sea ,The Sudanese economy has great potential for growth and development, and the Sudanese government hopes through its budget earlier last year to grow the economy of Sudan by 6.4 percent in 2016, up from 5.3 percent in 2015. Sudan natural resources could play a remarkable role. Many European countries, by contrast, just give the World Food Program cash, which can be used to buy food locally. Last year, the program bought 117,000 tons of Sudanese sorghum. United Nations officials said they would like to buy more, but they had had run-ins with Sudanese suppliers who could make more money with exports. Despite the fact that the Sudanese economy has been subjected to more volatility and has undergone a number of fiscal and monetary policies difficult and in order to confront the front of Khartoum since 1990.Though Sudan were been a self-sufficient country with few friends for Decades ago simply Khartoum have build up its economy Sudan, according to official statistics, achieved high economic growth rates in 2006,2017 despite the sanction the US government plans to reverse its position on Sudan has now been recognized.
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