Recently, the Gezira state had witnessed tensions worriedly between the governor Eila and the legislative council which were ended presidentially for the sake of Eila, the reason that is provided by President Al Bashir in this regard is this; enabling Eila to complete developmental projects for the welfare of the sons of the state wholly.
Actually, achievements of Eila, be they at the Red Sea state previously or the Gezira one presently, qualify him vehemently as receiving whole praise from everywhere, popularly and presidentially.
Before the advent of Eila to the Gezira state, it was plagued miserably with all kinds of ills typically; but now the situation is far better comparatively which prompts president Al Bashir as being much appreciative to the extent of commenting positively by using these words,' whenever and wherever Eila is assigned a task, he does it competently and efficiently –even much more than expectations, to the pleasure of the citizens unimaginatively. For this reason, he will stay where he is as a governor of the Gezira state till death inevitably, otherwise rejection collectively by the citizens of the state'.
Because of contributions honorably, the president declares it publically that Eila can run presidentially in the forthcoming elections of 2020- on conditions that the citizens of the state are to agree on the matter consensually.
Actually, the history globally-presently and previously- is full to the brim with the Eilas of Sudan unimaginatively, not only at the levels of persons exclusively, but also the countries as well. For one thing, there is the experiment of the incumbent government nationwide in dealing with poverty admiringly; through its program of productive families, a considerable number of families have managed to do it independently, especially financially. They are no longer in bad need of alms from the Zakat fund.
Also, and during its visit to China recently, the ruling national congress party has got acquainted with the methods that have made out of it a gigantic entity and in all domains, especially economically. Among these is its much concern with the poor; each year, ten million persons are freed from the grip of such an octopus wholly. Out of its population totally, only fifty million have remained as the poor truly who are going to be no longer categorized as the poor within the forthcoming five years exactly.
Further, there is Mahathir Mohamed of Malaysia who has managed of doing it competently, especially economically. Combination of factors has resulted in the richness that Malaysia has been experiencing presently. Conspicuous among them are the reconciliation between the national composition peacefully, spending on education generously and benefitting unlimitedly from the illuminating experiences of others tremendously and unhesitatingly.
As we all know, this Malaysia is demographically heterogeneous; in addition to the Malayo as the largest majority in the country, there are the Chinese and the Indians as the minorities that are are very rich compared with the Malayo.
In this sphere, the approach of Mahathir goes like this; concentrating all efforts to let the Malayo as reaching same levels of the Chinese and the Indians and in all domains, especially economically.
In line, there is the caliph of Islam, Omar Bin Abdul Aziz, who adopted strictly the method of reward and punishment in mobilizing the people as working very hard. An orientation as such led to the flourishing of the economy unprecedentedly as reflecting positively on the life of the grassroots tangibly to the extent that not even a single person was found as the poor who was in bad need of the Zakat (alms).
In conclusion, we can say this; recently, the Gezira state had witnessed tensions worriedly between the governor Eila and the legislative council which were ended presidentially for availing him the chance as continuing completion of projects that have been started earlier for the welfare of the sons of the state wholly. That achievements of Eila, be they at the Red Sea state previously or the Gezira one presently, qualify him vehemently as receiving whole praise from everywhere, popularly and presidentially. That before the advent of Eila to the Gezira state, it was plagued miserably with all kinds of ills typically; but now the situation is far better comparatively which prompts president Al Bashir as being much appreciative to the extent of commenting positively by using these words,' whenever and wherever Eila is assigned a task, he does it competently and efficiently –even much more than expectations, to the pleasure of the citizens unimaginatively.
For this reason, he will stay where he is as a governor of the Gezira state till death inevitably, otherwise rejection collectively by the citizens of the state'. That because of contributions honorably, the president declares it publically that Eila can run presidentially for the forthcoming elections of 2020- on conditions that the citizens of the state are to agree on the matter consensually, that the history globally-presently and previously- is full to the brim with the Eilas of Sudan unimaginatively, not only at the levels of persons exclusively, but also countries as well. That there is the experiment of the incumbent government nationwide in dealing with poverty admiringly; through its program of productive families, a considerable number of families have managed to do it independently, especially financially, that they no longer need alms from the Zakat fund. That during its visit to China recently, the ruling national congress party has got acquainted with the methods that have made out of it a gigantic entity and in all domains, especially economically. That among these is its much concern with the poor; each year, ten million persons are freed from the grip of such an octopus wholly. That out of its population totally, only fifty million have remained as the poor truly who are going to be no longer categorized as the poor within the forthcoming five years exactly. There is Mahathir Mohamed of Malaysia who has managed to do it competently, especially economically. That combination of factors has resulted in the richness that Malaysia has been experiencing presently; conspicuous among them are the reconciliation of the national composition peacefully, spending on education generously and benefitting unlimitedly from the illuminating experiences of others tremendously and unhesitatingly. This Malaysia is demographically heterogeneous; in addition to the Malayo as the largest majority in thecountry, there are the Chinese and the Indians who constitute only small minorities. That they are very rich compared with the Malayo. That the approach of Mahathir goes like this; concentrating all efforts to let the Malayo as reaching same levels of the Chinese and the Indians and in all domains, especially economically. There is the caliph of Islam, Omar Bin Abdul Aziz, who adopted strictly the approach of reward and punishment in mobilizing the people as working very hard. And that an orientation as such had led to the flourishing of the economy unprecedentedly which reflects positively on the life of the grassroots physically to the extent that not even a single person was found as deserving the Zakat (alms) badly.