Current Date:

Friday, 17 March 2017

Ghandour Meets EU Officials on Sudanese/European Strategic Dialogue

Khartoum – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour received yesterday in his office representatives of the visiting European Union member states.

Head of Delegation of the European Union to Sudan, Ambassador Jean-Michel Dumond stated to media after the end of the meeting that the talks were open and constructive.
He added that fifteen representatives of the European Union member states for EU policy on Africa are visiting Sudan to deepen their understanding of the ongoing developments in the country and the region.
The delegation with a total of 19 visitors from the EU member states and EU institutions was briefed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and different Sudanese officials, as well as political parties, youth, women, religious, parliamentary, business and civil society leaders.
The agenda of the meetings included the common interests in the political, economic, security, humanitarian and development assistance, human rights, conflict and regional affairs.
Ambassador Jean-Michel Dumond stressed "the importance of maintaining engagement at different levels to continue the efforts for peace in Sudan and the region. Only through open, genuine and comprehensive dialogue we can achieve progress in relations between Sudan and the European Union. This dialogue needs to involve authorities and other Sudanese stakeholders."
The European Union Ambassador said there are many common areas of interest.  Cooperation on migration was just one of the agenda topics during the meetings.  The European Union is attentive for realising peace, stability, democratisation, respect to human rights and freedoms in Sudan.  The European Union acknowledges the efforts undertaken by the Sudanese government recently but more steps are necessary to include and unite all the Sudanese to achieve a meaningful change in Sudan that can be felt by Sudanese people in all the regions of Sudan, especially in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan.
Ambassador Jean-Michel Dumond announced that Mr. Jan Figel, EU special envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU is also starting his visit to Sudan on March 14, to promote religious tolerance and interfaith dialogue and address the fight against extremism. The EU and Sudanese stakeholders will also exchange views about enhancing social cohesion and peaceful coexistence, and protecting religious minorities in the region of the Horn of Africa.