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Sunday, 28 January 2018

Urban Dialogue - Implementing the New Urban Agenda in Khartoum State

Khartoum - The State of Khartoum invited key stakeholders to discuss the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Khartoum State during an Urban Dialogue workshop.

The event mobilized a wide range of urban practitioners in Khartoum State and Sudan to prepare for and participate in the upcoming Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9) in February 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Attended by more than 200 ministerial and local government representatives, academia and civil society actors, the Urban Dialogue was opened by high level political leaders and technical experts. Under the patronage of H.E. Abd Al Rahman Al Sadig Al Mahdi (Assistant to the President), Wael Al Ashhab (UN-Habitat Sudan) outlined the urban dynamics in Sudan and H.E. Gamal M. Hamid (Minister of Physical Planning, Khartoum State) the particular challenges in Khartoum State. In this regard, H.E. Abdelrahim  M. Hussein (Khartoum State Governor) highlighted the need for urgent action in order to improve not only the quality of life for all urban dwellers but also the productivity of the metropolitan areas. Roi Chiti (World Urban Forum Secretariat) opened the technical discussion by reminding the participants of the fact that “the battle for urbanization will be won or lost in urban areas”, the context and relevance of the New Urban Agenda and the importance of its implementation.
Then main objectives of the Urban Dialogue were to raise awareness about sustainable urban development, the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its urban targets (particularly Sustainable Development Agenda 11: “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”) and the New Urban Agenda. Particularly, the Urban Dialogue aimed at the elaboration and application of the Action Framework for the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda (AFINUA) to Sudanese context reflecting on the five categories of (1) National Urban Policies, (2) urban legal frameworks, (3) integrated urban and territorial planning and design, (4) financing urbanization, and (5) local implementation. The monitoring and evaluation of the AFINUA in the Sudanese context and relevant indicators has been emphasized as well as building the necessary capacities for lead actors.
Following presentations, group work and engaged discussions, the Urban Dialogue meeting concluded with a draft Implementation Plan for the New Urban Agenda in Sudan, from the elaboration of a country wide National Urban Policy to the implementation at local level, by realizing an Action Plan for Khartoum State. This will be presented at the ninth World Urban Forum (WUF9) in a special side event focusing on the exchange of approaches to the New Urban Agenda implementation, partaken by a range of other countries and metropolitan areas.