Current Date:

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Natural Resources Project Contributes in the Reduction of Desertification in White Nile

Khartoum - Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the project on the sustainable management of natural resources in the White Nile State, Yassin Omer Hamza announced the contribution of the project in the reduction of desertification and desert encroachment in the northern parts of the state.
  He stressed that the project, which is being implemented in the White Nile and the states of Kassala and Gezira, will continue until June 2019 with the support and funding of the Global Environment Facility through the World Bank, noting that there are efforts to continue this project in agreement with donors, noting that the project works in human development, stressing that the project contributed to the reduction of drought and desertification, and that an agreement was made with donors to continue the project to include other areas in the state of White Nile and the states that the project implemented in.