Current Date:

Monday, 08 January 2018

Abdulgaim Imam Urges the Completion of Darfur Peace Dossier

Khartoum (SMC) – State Minister at the Ministry of Federal Rule, Chairman of SLM (Second Revolution)

, Abulgasim Imam called on the concerned parties to expedite the completion of Darfur peace dossier to remove any disputes before 2020 elections.
Imam affirmed to (smc) that the security situation in Darfur is stable and progressing a matter that paved the way for condusive environment to start peaceful negotiations to accomplish Darfur peace dossier to complete the last ring of the peace by the joining of all parties, adding that the security factor was a burden in the past.
Imam called on all Darfur sons who are out of the peace process to top the general interests over the personal ones.