Current Date:

Friday, 22 December 2017

Al Bashir Denounces Trump’s Decision on Al-Quds

Al-Golid - Sudan government has reiterated Jerusalem’s Arabism and Islamism and denounced the decision of the American President Trump of giving away Jerusalem to

Al Bashir downgraded the United States pursuit of Judaization of Jerusalem following the announcement of President Trump of recognizing Jerusalem as a capital city of the Zionist entity.
 Al Bashir said while addressing a mass rally at Al-Golid locality yesterday: “Who gave the American President Trump the right to giving away Jerusalem to the Jews?.”
Meanwhile Al Bashir inaugurated a number of developmental and services projects including Al-Golid Hospital, renal dialysis center, College of Technology, Agricultural Bank Branch and Omdurman Islamic University Branch and pledged to complete the shortfall in these projects.
He said execution of these projects comes in honor of the dedicated people, the martyrs and Martyr Al-Zubeir Mohamed Salih my batch mate, friend and my deputy, directing the two Ministers of Irrigation and Electricity to establish Al-Golid-Dongola Bridge, and afterwards the establishment of the transformation plant for covering all the localities of the state along with connecting the state with water networks.
He pledged to establish livelihood agricultural projects for integrating all the sons of the state and the expatriation countries.