Current Date:

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Echo: Backwardness!

Unquestionably, presently annoying Watery Diarrhea Cases in several parts of the country are reminder of nothing but we are still lagging behind.
This means that our efforts to speedy development will remain a far dream or at least sound like verbally realizable not practically.
It is hard to find an answer to the recurring question as to why our beloved country always seems to be going backwards.
The questions breed other questions such as why the successive governments appear to be unable to stabilize basic services, which the citizens need every day.
It is lack of long-term planning? Or is it the premature aging which dominates all the governments’ programmes? Or is it futility of the brains and expertise? Or is it the brain drain? Or is it lack of or wavering loyalty to Sudan? Or is it transforming politics from democratic to military regimes? Or is it an economic disease which incapacitates all experts? Or is it corruption and the cancer of personal interests which influenced all the successive regimes?
Any possible answer to the above questions could be true to a very great extent – that is to say - all the crises that have plagued the nation were the making of the successive governments.
Our surrounding countries are wrestling with poverty and limited natural resource; but have managed to achieve considerable success in development and are now miles ahead of us.
If you visit any African country you will return home entirely amazed by development and stability therein those countries.
We are lost – not knowing whether to cry or laugh when we see Sudan has become among wheat and sugar importing countries, despite the fact that Sudan had announced to the whole world that it had done away with wheat and sugar imports bills thanks to self-sufficiency.