Current Date:

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Echo: SPLM-N Crack Will it Strengthen Government’s Stance

The government has affirmed that the differences of SPLM-N increase the suffering of the people of the two areas and disrupt the process of negotiation.
It announced its full readiness for resuming negotiations after accepting the American proposal of delivering humanitarian assistances to the war-affected citizens.
The government believes that the time limit offered by the African mediation to the SPLM-N is ample for resuming negotiation during the coming days, calling on the SPLM -N to resolve its disputes which represent the biggest impediment of realizing peace in the two areas.
The government also affirmed its readiness to sit with two separate delegations, one representing the Blue Nile and the other South Kordofan.
However, we should not look at the SPLM-N and what is called an internal coup as a positive development which will be in favour of the government or the country.
It is true that there is a development in the political arena in terms of removing Yassir Arman and Malik Agar from the SPLM-N cockpit, but this should be looked at from the angle of its impact on the peace process in the two areas.
In the past rounds of talks the SPLM-N entered the negotiations’ hall with unified stance through a clear political will to reach a political settlement on the two areas.
But now after the recent developments will have its negative impacts due to the divided political will.
Abdul Aziz Al-Hilu, after his coup, is rearranging his papers for the upcoming stage through forming a delegation far from Agar and Arman who were leading the previous rounds of talks.
It will be difficult for the government to deal with such complicated dossier without knowing with whom the steps of negotiations will go ahead.
It is definite that this situation will have its negative impact on the future of peace process which is now not linked to the popular will but with the will of the leaders who are fighting on who should lead the SPLM-N.
The government should go ahead in its flexible policy through accepting two delegations because this will strengthen its stance in the talks besides its encouraging the AUHIP to determine with whom the government should negotiate.