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Friday, 04 November 2016

Khartoum Is Ready to Resume Talks in Addis Ababa, but it Takes Two to Tango (4)

Peace-making during the course of conflicts in the Sudan, has proved to be a precarious business. The biggest risk entailed,

has been emanating from the spoilers; the war lords, who in most cases, are paranoiac adventurers who do not necessarily enjoy the otherwise claimed or ostensible local political constituency. At the end of the day,their gun-powder remains their only warrant and legitimacy.
 That is why - as shall be reviewed herein under- they do appear mostly obsessed with the delusion that any looming peace opportunity, as necessarily a threat to their newly self- proclaimed lordliness and narrow interests. Working all the time, tooth and nail, to make sure that, all sincere peace efforts are dead-ended. That prerequisites the contamination of the political milieu, with a certain degree of confusion, incrimination and demonization, enough to sabotage any sincere peace effort, and to secure at the end of the day, the prevalence of the vicious circle of violence discord and instability in the country.
To call spade a spade, the kernel of why successive peace deals, worked out by domestic or regional mediators in Sudan, tended to end in utter fiasco, is by far premised, on the fact that, most of these war-lords are increasingly bound by the margins of an externally-drawn agenda; the whole strategy of which, at the end of the day, culminates in the ouster of the current Khartoum government, and ultimately in the long run, further dismemberment of the country into three or four warring cantonments.
Let’s recall that the initial plan of the recent African mediation (AUHIP), was meant en essence, to encourage the remnant holdout opposition groups, to join the internal dialogue, after the signing of the anticipated humanitarian truce, which should automatically pave the way for agreement on the confidence building measures.
Gaining mounting regional and international momentum and recognition, it is widely accepted today that the consensus achieved in the National Dialogue Conference, was unprecedented in the Sudan since independence, during which the interlocutors and conferees, have bravely surpassed and subdued all their narrow partisanship and affiliations, elevating in lieu, the national interest of our country, to threshold a new era in our political history.
In fact the said consensus was a legitimate and spontaneous outcome of laborious pang, during which negotiations were long and hard. That is why the big challenge lies ahead for all the Sudanese political shareholders, is that the baby conceived in Khartoum on October 10th, and like any infant, needs to be nurtured so that it grows stronger over time. The National Document shall remain a testament to further hard work and commitment.
To that effect, the statement of the SPLM-N’s Secretary general, Yasir Arman, in which he desperately tried to belittle or preempt the outcome of the National Dialogue Conference, claiming that it failed to achieve peace and national consensus, not only shows his true color, but also reminds us of a famous Arabic proverb which says ’’ The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on’’.
In other words, it’s was a futile and desperate attempt, to preempt and overshadow the sweeping success of the conference. In fact, the signing of the long awaited National Document, on the contrary, reflects the echelon of awareness of the Sudanese people, that time has not elapsed yet, to responsibly and peacefully resolve all our outstanding differences and starts our nation-building epic, for viable and prosperous future.
Actions speak louder than words. Thanks to Sudanese government’s unwavering patience for achieving peace in Darfur, in collaboration with friends in Qatar and elsewhere, that a new dawn of peace, rehabilitation and development has vigorously set in, to reshape for the better, the socio-political milieu in Darfur.
Indeed, that could not have become possible, without the landslide defeats incurred on the enemies of peace on the ground in the last three years. In fact, it’s to the paramount dismay and frustration of the drumbeaters of conflicts and discord in the Sudan, that Darfur has obviously ceased to be any longer, the stereotype of a major news event, and almost fallen off the global media radar, and was simply derogated and surpassed by other pressing world events.
Correspondingly, internal and external enemies of peace and stability in the Sudan were not anticipated to easily throw in the towel. They were busily pondering on how to reinvigorate their new-old campaign against Khartoum, which understandably has become more crucial, especially in the aftermath of marked success of Khartoum’s National Dialogue Conference.
On the other hand, to re-boost the rebels’ morale, fatally shattered, especially after being forced to rout from their last main strongholds in Gabal-Marra, in the face of the undaunted Sudanese army. It should be noted here, the rebels used to braggadociously disseminate for quite long time, the myth that their strongholds in Gabal-Marra are unconquerable.
Within the above context, the latest shallow and futile allegations of the Amnesty International against the Sudanese government can be clearly understood. It was yet another abuse of the growing concern world-wide on humanitarian situations, as an alibi to continue misleading the world opinion on Darfur, in order to further isolate the Sudanese government.
Again in France, where safe sanctuary and movement is shamelessly accorded to one of the main obstacles to peace in Darfur; it was no surprise that rebel Abul-Wahid Nur, who has been working all the time with organizations and incredible media outlets hostile to Sudan in France, was readily prompted to demand an international probe the claims that Khartoum used chemical weapons in its Darfur war.
The underlying message of the allegation this time, was well received by stooges here and there and soon enacted upon; no sooner were these allegations made public, rebel Nur started calling on the armed movements negotiating a cessation of hostilities in Darfur, Blue Nile, and South Kordofan, “to stop talking with the Khartoum and join forces in order to uproot this regime”. Likewise, on his part, describing Amnesty International’s report as ‘brave’ the secretary general of the SPLM-N, Mr. Yasir Arman, no sooner declared the suspension of political negotiations with Khartoum.