Current Date:

Thursday, 10 November 2016

American Delegation to Produce Film on Impact of Sanctions on Sudanese Women

Khartoum:-President Popular Delegation, which recently visited Sudan Dr. Mohamed Awad Al Jeed, the financial advisor at the American stock exchange

has demanded the need for using societal media organs in Sudan to reflect facts in Sudan as the American are oblivious of what is taking place inside Sudan.
He said the American decision is issued from the ground and the American people exercise pressure on the senator and work on changing policies. Noting that the majority of the American people know nothing about Sudan and they believe that the River Nile and the pyramids exist in Egypt, while the River Nile flows for the most part in Sudan and more than 100 pyramids are in Sudan.
He told Sudan Vision that he is intending to produce a film by the American Sierra on the impacts of the American sanctions on Sudanese woman, and to be cast to the American people to know the impacts of these sanctions on women.
He affirmed that the American people  are  humanitarian  if acts about Sudan were availed to them and it will not hesitate to pressurize the American congress to drop the sanctions  and remove Sudan’s name from the black list. Noting there is no evidence that Sudan supports terrorism or pose a threat to American national security.
Awad Al Jeed added that the American delegation was acquainted with the situation at the Atom hospital in Khartoum whereby it noticed that there are only two systems and they were broken-down, as they were American systems.
He said religious coexistence and the lack of racial discrimination are matters not known to America. He demanded the establishment of an English-speaking channel to portray the facts about Sudan form the viewpoint of westerners to remove the distorted image portrayed by the western media about Sudan
He demanded tackling the drainage the Sudanese economy is exposed to, saying that the Sudanese economy can be addressed by making Gum Arabic a national commodity as Sudan produces 80% of the international produce and America depends on it in drinks particularly alcohol and medicines, stressing that America imports it from France.