Current Date:

Thursday, 01 February 2018

Mahmoud: Regional, International and Local Variables Indicating the Success of the Next Round

Khartoum – Presidential Assistant, the head of the government delegation on the two areas, Eng. Ibrahim Mahmoud renewed the keenness and commitment of the

government to achieve peace in the two areas and Darfur through negotiation in the next round.
In his meeting with US Charge d' Affaires in Sudan Steven Koutsis, ’Mahmoud discussed the process of Darfur and the two areas and arrangements for the next round of negotiations in Addis Ababa.
The US Charge d' Affaires confirmed his country's support for the peace efforts in the two areas and Darfur, pointing out that the meeting comes within the framework of continuing consultation in this regard.
For his part, member of the government delegation, Hussein Kharshoum expressed optimism about the success of the next round of negotiations between the government and the SPLM-N and the group of Abdul Aziz Al-Hillu in light of local, regional and international circumstances.
He told Sudan vision that the government delegation is optimistic that the upcoming Addis Ababa round will make a big breakthrough, especially after the announcement of the SPLM-N to stop the hostilities, as this helps a lot in reaching understandings and reaching agreements through this round , In addition to the strong popular will of the residents of the two areas and the encouragement of the international community to move forward in stopping hostilities and reaching a lasting peace, besides the early readiness of the government delegation.
Kharshoum confirmed that the invitation extended by the mediation to the government delegation includes the SPLM-N and Abdel Aziz Al-Hillu group, pointing out that the government may hold talks with two different delegations, especially after the differences between the SPLM and Al-Hillu group.
For his part, member of the government delegation, Abdul Rahman Abu Median said that the changes that took place within the SPLM itself help to reach an agreement, stressing that the keenness of the state leadership, along with the internal and international changes and the positions of the African Union, the international community and the United Nations, make optimism one of the successes of this round, adding that the recent stance by the government of South Sudan not to support the rebels, along with the desire of the people in the two areas, could lead to a successful of the next round.