Current Date:

Thursday, 01 February 2018

FM: Al Bashir and Desalegn Discussed Establishment of Economic Grouping of Horn of Africa Countries

Khartoum- President of the Republic Field Marshal Omer Al Bashir and the accompanying delegation returned home yesterday from Addis Ababa after attending the 30th

Summit Conference of the African Union (AU).
President Al Bashir was received upon arrival at Khartoum Airport by First Vice-President and National Prime Minister 1st Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Saleh and a number of ministers and senior government officials.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour said in a press statement at Khartoum Airport that the AU summit discussed important issues, top of which the restructuring of the AU.
He added that the President of the Republic of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, was elected as the new Chairman of the African Union.
Prof. Ghandour explained that the summit discussed a number of financial, political and security reports as it also considered a number of African nominations for international posts, indicating that the President of the Republic has effectively participated in all sittings of the summit conference.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs referred to the meetings held by the President of the Republic on the sidelines of the African summit, top of which his meeting with Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, noting that the meeting discussed bilateral relations between the two countries and the outcome of the recent visit paid by the Ethiopian Minister of Foreign Affairs to Sudan, as the bilateral, political, social and security relations have also been discussed.
Prof. Ghandour added that the meeting also discussed the project of establishment of economic grouping for the states of the Horn of Africa, which comprises five countries including Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Djibouti, saying that the ministers of foreign affairs of the two countries have been instructed to speed up implementation of the project.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs said that President Al Bashir also met Somali President Mohamed Abdullah Farmajo and discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, where the ministers of foreign affairs of the two countries have been instructed to form a joint committee between the two countries under their chairmanship.
The joint ministerial committee would hold its first meeting in Khartoum during the last week of next February.