Current Date:

Tuesday, 01 May 2018

Justice Minister Reveals Preparation of National Report on Human Rights Situation in Sudan

Khartoum – (SMC) Minister of Justice, Dr. Idriss Ibrahim Jameel has affirmed that there is no any kind of constraints on freedom of worship in Sudan, adding that they are

preparing a voluntary national report on the situation of human rights in Sudan.
Jameel stated to (SMC) that there is satisfaction towards the human rights situation in Sudan in regards to religious freedoms and the practice of worship. He added that they briefed the Independent Expert during his visit to Sudan on the religious freedoms in the country and refuting the allegation on demolishing of churches describing it as untrue. He told the Independent Expert that the demolitions included all the buildings in some shanty towns in the framework of urban planning programmes to remove all the shanty towns and restructure it according to the laws.
He pointed out that the recent visit of the Independent Expert came within the natural moves to inspect the steps taken to improve the human rights situations in Sudan, affirming that there is intensive activity in upgrading the rights in Sudan.