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Sunday, 06 May 2018

US$ One Billion Bank for Darfur Development: Al Bashir

Khartoum- President of the Republic Field Marshal Omer Al Bashir has affirmed that Darfur enjoys now full security and stability a matter that made experts to consider

reduction of the UNAMID troops and that the weapons collection campaigns have succeeded in realizing security and peace in the areas of Darfur and boosting the rule of law besides enhancing the culture among Darfur citizens to resort to legal means in retrieving rights instead of fighting.
Al Bashir, according to SUNA, added in his address to members of the parliamentary bloc of the National Congress Party Friday that the state would establish a bank for rehabilitation and development of Darfur with a capital a billion dollars, explaining that the government would also implement the Green Darfur Project.
The President pointed out that two international airports would be established at Zalingei and Dhein towns besides construction of a network of roads besides the existing network for transporting Darfur’s economic products from the areas of production to that of consumption. This is besides designing housing plans for the displaced citizens and returnees.
Al Bashir praised the spirit of reconciliation and forgetting bitterness of the past that is prevailing among the citizens of Darfur.
Concerning the two areas of Blue Nile and South Kordofan, President Al Bashir explained that the repeated cease-fire decisions that have been issued by the government have contributed to a great extent to realizing much peace in the two areas and created a strong desire for not returning to war again, affirming that realization of peace in them has become very near.