Current Date:

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Successful Projects Implemented to Enable Poor Communities to Cope with Climate Change

There were brilliant and promising results of the funded projects that were implemented at the poor communities' areas with the aim to enable them

to coping with the impacts of climate change especially that these communities are in a real need for protecting themselves and projects and increasing the productivity of their projects and the family income. This project has targeted four states in the country and a number of outskirt villages.
The Coordinator of projects for coping with the impacts of climate change at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), supported by Canada and being executed by the Higher Council for Environment Adel Mohamed Ali, said that the NAPA project was drawn up by the Higher Council of Environment and being implemented in Gedarif, Nahral-Neil, North Kordofan and South Kordofan States. He indicated that the project aims for adoption of measures to enable vulnerable communities to cope with the climate change, especially in the fields of agriculture and water as well as encouraging the states to adopt policies for coping with the climate change.
During his inspection to the NAPA projects at Goz Al-Halig and Al-Shababit at Al-Damer Locality, Nahral-Neil State, Adel said that the project aims to introduce solar energy and clean energies like the natural gas for protecting the vegetation cover. He indicated that the implementation of this project was successful by 95%. He said that the project has focused on agriculture and water harvest through partnership with the ministries of agriculture in the states and the research institutions in the states toward enhancing the cultivation process. The small-scale farmers were given maturing and drought resistant crops via the agricultural extension and the technological packages for enhancing the agricultural production. The project's administration also worked together with the four states of Gedarif, North Kordofan, Nahral-Neil and South Kordofan States for enhancing the animal resources, food security, increasing the meat and dairy, enhancing the livestock breeds, informing the citizens with the issue of climate change and its expected impacts and ways to confront this phenomenon, improving the women production capabilities at 33 villages in the targeted four states.
He said that the project has achieved great success thanks to the response of the citizens who have benefited from these funded projects. The first stage of the projects began in the year 2014 and ended in the year 2014 while the current phase, which is funded by the Canadian government, would end in December 2016. The citizens of Goz Al-Halig and Shababit villages and Berber and Al-Damer towns have expressed their full satisfaction over the projects that are being implemented by the NAPA which have changed their pattern of life to the better in the housing, water, agriculture, irrigation and green belt fields, besides helping the women by providing them with gas and ovens.
In North Kordofan, the coordinator of the project for coping with the climate change in the state, agricultural engineer Al-Tigani Khalifa, said that project is being implemented in the seven villages of Al-Tiraifiya, Abu-Gayda, Al-Sesaban, Heshaitiya, Al-Baida, Oweja and Al-Tawil northern of Bara town which exist in the desert and semi-desert belt. This belt is greatly affected by the climate change impacts such as the lack of rainfall and failure of the rain-fed agricultural seasons, therefore the project was implemented toward realizing food security at the affected areas.
The project has also given concern to the enhancement of the livestock production, especially that these areas were greatly affected by the climate change, desertification and overgrazing. The Execution of the project has resulted in increasing the goat milk production from two to three pounds, besides achieving good results in animal fattening by 11 kilos in 45 days, a matter which led to the raising of prices from 400 to 500 pounds and subsequently increase of the family income. The project has also given concern to enhancement of the livestock health and feeding and the combating of animal diseases. The positive response of the communities at these villages has resulted in success of the experiment by 90%. The people of these areas have suffered much from the lack of rains and failure of the agricultural seasons. Thus, the project has given concern to the irrigated agriculture and using alternative food. Success of the experiment was remarkably attributed to the contribution of the farmer to the assessment of the activities and the implementation of the project.
On the role of the state's government, he said that according to the agreement for implementing the project the government of North Kordofan is responsible for providing the working cadres, office and salaries.
One of the famers and a beneficiary of the project who is assuming the management of project at Al-Tiraifiya village in North Kordofan State, Al-Fatih Salih Ibrahim, said that the project has begun by holding sessions to inform the people about the importance and benefits of the project and then came the rehabilitation of the deserted water well and connecting it with power, distribution of 105 saplings of vegetables and fruit trees and seeds among the farmers. He indicated that the farmers were also informed about the reclamation of land and establishment of basins, water canals and irrigation networks. He said that the farmers have undergone training for growing potato, tomato and more kinds of vegetables. The citizens have also been advices to stop the cutting of trees and use gas for cooking food and making tea instead of wood and charcoal. Al-Fatih went to say that the project has assigned a fund for providing fodder for livestock feeding and increasing milk to enable the citizens to make yogurt, cheese and butter. He said that another fund was established to provide medicines and treatment for animals.
Al-Fatih has called for the training and qualification of women and establishment of workshops for food manufacturing from the fruits of water-melon, pumpkin and karkade. He said that pledges have been given to them for changing the pattern of housing at villages by other materials, especially that the straw houses are not safe from fires. He expressed thanks to the officials who are responsible for implementing the project due to their role in providing services to them.