Khartoum-The Minister of Industry Mohamed Yousif Ali has requested the Minister of Foreign Trade to add new commodities to the commodities whose import is halted from the Republic of Egypt as they are proved to be contaminated by substances damaging to the health of citizens due to irrigating them by a polluted sources of water.
The Minister of Industry said in his address to the Minister of Foreign Trade that in the frame of the joint responsibility towards the Sudanese citizens highlighting the decsion of the Minister of Trade with regards to stoping import of vegeable and fruits from Egypt after they are proved to be polluted by substances damaging to the health of citizens.
Compalints and infrmation were submitted to the Ministry of Industry that the poluted vegetables and fruits directly from banning their importation they come processed and manufacured in many forms including marmalade, tomato paste and catchup which are corrupt goods because they are manufactured from contaminated production inputs which cause serious diseases.
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