Current Date:

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Digital Journalists Project Inaugurated

Khartoum - The Ministry of Communications togther with the Sudanese Organizations of Freedoms, announced a comprehensive project of digital journalist for

the training of 500 journalists in the techonolgy of communctaions and information.
Minister of Communications, Dr. Tahani Abdallah said the Ministry is aspiring towards training some 7200 journalists. November 8 will see the project kick off to brdidge the gap between the traditional media and the digital media. He noted that the media staffers are required to take this opportunity, as the infrastructure is ready so that Sudan will rank high in electronic media worldwide.
In a related development the President of the Sudanese Organization of Press Freedoms, Al-Nageeb Gamar Aldin highlighted the dire need for digital work for saving effort and time and outlining that the project has come for erasing technological illiteracy among the journalist.
He called for speeding up the implementation of the project for promoting presswork to maturity and coping up with technology. He stressed that the Journalist Union is seeking to improve work conditions and the environment of presswork; assuring the organization’s suppport for the project and calling on publishers and editors-in-chief to lay down eligibility certitificate for a condition for working in press institution.