Current Date:

Tuesday, 09 January 2018

Iran's Debts Cause Suspension of Work in Five Water Plants

Khartoum - Minister of Electricity and Water Resources, Mutaz Musa said that the debts of the Iranian Export Bank

to the Government of the Sudan have caused the suspension of the work of five water stations in the country in the areas of Wad-Medani, Sennar, Al-Duwaim, Shendi and Abu Hamad.
The Minister pointed out in, a parliamentary session Tuesday, that the debts of the bank to the Sudanese government amounted to $ 38 million, saying that the contract for the implementation of water stations signed with the Iranian bank in 2011 to finance the construction of stations that the Government of Sudan to pay $ 18 million, Iranian bank $ 72 million, and the implemented company $ 30 million , indicating that the work has started in 2013, and close to be completed in 2014, adding, "in 2014, the Iranian Export Bank directed the contractor,  an Iranian company, to receive the rest of the bank's share of the old debts of the bank to the Government of Sudan, through the payments of the Central Bank of Sudan (CBOS), which agreed in principle to pay the bank's debt to the contractor in hard currencies, pointing out that the lack of hard currency has led to the disruption of work in the stations, adding, "President  Al Bashir met with the ministries of finance and irrigation to complete the amount, and  that the consultations are still ongoing and in case of  availability of the amount the work will be completed in the stations."