Current Date:

Monday, 01 January 2018

Egypt Proposes to Sudan and Ethiopia Participation of International Experts in Resolving Renaissance Dam Crisis

Khartoum - Egypt said it had proposed to Sudan and Ethiopia the participation of international experts to resolve the dispute over the Renaissance Dam being built by Addis Ababa on the Nile.
Ethiopian and Egyptian foreign ministers met Tuesday in an attempt to resolve the dispute over the drafting of a report on the environmental impact of the dam, but Egyptian Foreign Minister, Sameh Shukri said they had not been able to reach any breakthrough since the meeting of the three countries last November, indicating, in a press conference in Addis Ababa, to the necessary to recognize that the technical discussions had not produced sufficient results to the process.
The Egyptian Foreign Ministry said, in a statement that, Shukri "expressed during the meeting Egypt's deep concern on the stumbling block facing the technical process of the work of the tripartite technical committee " adding that Egypt "proposes the existence of a third party with a neutral opinion to participate in the work of the tripartite technical committee, World Bank , as it has wide technical expertise and opinion that could be conducive to reaching agreement within the work of the tripartite committee. "
The statement said that the Ethiopian side promised to study the Egyptian proposal and respond to it at the earliest opportunity.
The Ethiopian foreign minister said he is looking forward to a mutually beneficial situation, but did not comment on the Egyptian proposal.