Current Date:

Monday, 01 January 2018

FVP Demands Promoting Sudan Tourism Festivals, Attractions Globalized

Khartoum - Northern State's Locality of Meroe has wrapped up a 10-day tourism, culture and investment festival, which draws participants from all parts of Sudan and official

and popular delegations from Egypt and Iraq.
The National Prime Minister Bakri Hassan Saleh stressed the government's support for tourism and culture in aid of attracting foreign investments, boosting national economy, tourism industry and reflecting to bright image of Sudan to the world.
Northern State is noted for being the cradle of Sudanese ancient civilization, historical and tourist attractions.
This tourism festival was granted Arab Award for 2017, a reward the National Prime Minister deemed in want of additional efforts to perfect future festivals. He called for concerted efforts to organize and take such festivals to international levels, adding that Berkal Tourism Festival – among other things –w as aimed at connecting generations.
Saleh said the remarkable increase in tourists to the country over the past was a positive indication and in favor of the ongoing security and stability across the board. 
"Sudan is one of the most stable and secure countries in the world," he said, adding "Every day a rebel joins the process until dialogue has become the language and the basis." 
Accompanying activities at the festivals were cultural, tourism and sporting programs, followed by a closing ceremony, graced by Bakri Hassan Saleh, the First Vice-president, National Prime Minister, and a number of key government officials and prominent political leaders.
"The festival has begun to progress and gain momentum and popularity year by year – thanks to the Presidential support and other institutions," remarked the Governor of Northern State Ali Al-Awad.
The promotion of tourism in Sudan is meant activating domestic internal tourism, notably among the youths to familiarize them with their country, according to relevant officials.
Organizing events such as Berkal Tourism Festival aim to boost Sudan’s good image to the outside world, reflecting the good nature of its people, its civilization, its popular heritage and its arts, and to contribute to enhancing popular diplomacy.
Sudan witnessed many successive civilizations such as Meroe and Koush. The antiquities and historical remains of those civilizations are still visible in many regions of the Northern State, Shendi, Al-Bijrawiya, Al-Naqa’, Al-Musawarat, Merawie, Karima, Al-Berkal Mountain and others. These tourist attractions can yield foreign currency for the country if they are utilized and promoted in a best way to the international tourism markets, the end for which the government has started to work.