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Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Sustainable Development Goals: The 2030 Agenda

UN high-level delegation has recently visited Sudan to check progress of implementing of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

. The delegation was headed by Perdu Conceicao who presented an informative lecture discussing different aspects of SDGs at the National Council for Population and Development (NCPD).
Dr. Lamiaa  Abdul Gaffar Secretary General of the  (NCPD)  highlighted the aims  and objectives of the delegation visit to Sudan describing  it as the  first visit of UN high level official to Sudan  since 1980s, adding that NCPD is the focal point to implement  the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs, it works to coordinate efforts to accelerate the SDGs.
 She added that the delegation held meetings with the concerned bodies aiming to set up a theoretical framework   for SD Gs according to national developmental means besides the sectoral planning, and at the states.
UN delegation held several meetings with Sudanese top officials, the Vice president of the Republic, Hassabo Mohamed Abdul Rahman, Ministers of international Cooperation, Education, Health, Labor, Human Resources Development, Irrigation, Federal Government, and they met also parliamentarians, and academicians and scholars at the Universities to check the progress of the implementing of the SDGs. The UN delegation visit to Sudan is part of similar visits to 10 African countries.
Sudan has affirmed its political commitment with the Sustainable Development Goals, and also the importance of partnership and national cooperation with the UN administrations for all development partners’   cooperation of the 2030 Agenda
The 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development represents a transformative set of comments for ending poverty and protecting the planet. It represents a historic confluence of different UN processes that address key development and humanitarian challenges, with strong ownership by the member states.
The role of the UN development system to support implementation of these commitments is framed by the MAPS (Mainstreaming Acceleration, and Policy Support) common approach adopted by the UN Development Group (UNDG) for UNDP.
UNDP is deploying integrated MAPS mission to several countries, drawing on high-level mangers and relevant technical expertise for each country context.
The road to sustainable development in Sudan has been hampered by a number challenges in the form of past ongoing conflict s. The context poses challenges for governance, human development, and poverty reduction in the country. The economic sanctions have blocked the access of the country to major and financial institutions and made every day life of citizens very challenging.
SD Gs require especial focus on the following elements; the conflict and peace building dimension. The humanitarian / development linking are transition, including employment creation and energy poverty. The agriculture/food security/climate change/poverty/ conflict nexus; Localization of SD Gs and financing. Extractive and management of natural resources; Management migration and displacement; Data and monitoring and; Gender and youth as cross cutting issues in all areas.
Agriculture has increased in prominence as a key economic sector since the loss of oil resources after the secession of South Sudan in 2011, and the loss of circa 80% of its revenues. Importantly, key economic sectors, such as agriculture, farming, animal husbandry, which constitute the primary sources of livelihood for nearly 70% of the population, are climate sensitive.
Nearly 60% of the agriculture is rain-fed and constitute close to 50% of the GDP. Poverty reduction approaches, environment, disaster risk reduction and climate change have therefore become central issues in ensuring livelihoods stable communities throughout Sudan. 
The tasks of the National Mechanism to supervise the sustainable Development Goals are to:
 1: Formulate and monitor implementation of the National Program  on Sustainable Development.
2: Ensure mainstreaming the National program on Sustainable Development in the five year plan of state and the sectoral plans of ministers and development projects at states levels.
3: Supervise the localization of development goals and indicators at various governance levels.
4: Supervise provision of reliable data required for the monitoring of progress in the National Program for Sustainable Development.
5: Mobilizing resources to finance the National Program on Sustainable Development.
6.  Provide finance and awareness rising for the National Program on Sustainable Development. 
The UN country Team (UNCT) is in the process of formulating its new UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDA F) for the period 2018-2021, and a new UND P country Program Document will be presented to the Executive Board in September 2017. A multi-year humanitarian response plan linked to the UNDAF is also being planned. All of these provide strategic entry points for the integration of the 2030 Agenda as well as the outcomes of the climate Change Summit, Financing for the Development and World Humanitarian Summit.
The Mainstreaming, Acceleration, and Policy Support (MAPS) mission is expected to help the country take significant leap forward through the investment in analysis and preparation of a road-map to guide country engagement with the 2030  Agenda and  inform (UNDP’s  (UNCT) strategy in this regard.