Current Date:

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Al Bashir Reaffirms State’s Sponsorship and Support to Youth Activities and Projects

Khartoum- President of the Republic Field Marshal Omer Al Bashir has reiterated the state’s continuous sponsorship and support to the activities and projects that develop

youths and enhance their role in serving the society.
President Al Bashir was addressing the Sudanese Youth Forum, which was convened at Corinthia Hotel in Khartoum yesterday, in collaboration with Arab Youth Center of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Al Bashir said the state has given big concern to youths through the programs and activities it implements to avail real opportunities for them in the economic and political participation.
He commended the programs being implemented by the Sudanese youths, saying that they contributed to adoption by the state to policies that include availing real opportunities for the youth sector to realize their ambitions and the same time respond to the requirements of the development of the state and the society.
This comes in affirmation of the state’s solid convection in the role of youth in leading the comprehensive development process in the country, the President added.
Al Bashir affirmed commitment to implementation of the outcome of the Youth Forum, hailing the government and people of sisterly United Arab Emirates for their continuous support to Sudan in all fields.
The President of the Republic reiterated the state’s concern with health of youth, saying that this is considered as an important element in the strength of the state and the society in the homeland, referring to the continuous efforts being exerted by the state to resolve and control any health threats to youth through adoption of such programs as combating drugs use and AIDS disease.
He praised the initiative and programs being undertaken by youth to support the state’s efforts in this regard.
Minister of Youth and Sports Dr. Abdul-Karim Musa, on his part, affirmed that the Sudanese youths are protected by their virtuous values and they are more capable of pressing ahead on the path of development and cohesion.
He pointed out to the formation of the government of national unity, which has come as a result of pure Sudanese initiative, where the youth has a pioneering role.
The Minister lauded the convening of the Youth Forum to discuss their issues and involving them in the various plans and strategies as well as their contacts with youths in the Arab and regional spheres.