Current Date:

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Salim: Presidential Decree to be Issued Opening Dialogue on the Constitution

Khartoum - President of the Republic Field Marshal Omer Al Bashir will issue a decree during the coming days opening a dialogue on the constitution and enabling all the

Sudanese people inside the country and abroad for positive participation in this dialogue to reach a formula agreed upon by all.
The Minister at the Council of Ministers Prof. Hashim Ali Salim, the Secretary General of the National Dialogue, said in a press statement that a referendum would be held for the Sudanese people on the draft of the National Dialogue prior to its approval for adoption of the constitution.
Prof. Salim explained that the National Accord Government is a model one as it includes most of the parties, movements and the national figures.
Prof. Salim indicated that he would pay visits to a number of the states of the country during the coming days to get acquainted with implementation of the recommendations of the National Dialogue.