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Sunday, 18 March 2018

Sudan and UN Sign Joint Country Programme Action Plan worth US$417 Million

Khartoum - The Government of the Sudan and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

have signed the Country Program Action Plan between the Government of the Sudan and the UNDP for the period 2018-2021 at the cost of more than 417 million dollars.
Minister of International Cooperation Idriss Suleiman signed the document on behalf of the Government of the Sudan, while UNDP Resident Representative for Sudan Ms. Marta Ruedas signed for the United Nations.
The Minister of International Cooperation, addressing the signing ceremony, lauded cooperation between Sudan and the United Nations in contributing to supporting development in the country, expressing appreciation to the partners’ efforts for accomplishing this great work.
He pointed out that the document focusses on the national priorities for realizing the goals of sustainable development and the transfer from relief aid to development.
State Minister at the Ministry of International Cooperation Dr. Sumaiya Ukud said in a press statement that the program copes with the national priorities and aims at implementation of the sustainable development agenda which have been ratified by the Sudan.
She pointed out that the program includes support in such fields as environment, climate change, health, peace-building and sustainable development, indicating that the government would meet the local component of these projects.
 Ms. Marta Ruedas, on her part, said the document represents an opportunity for realizing the goals of sustainable development in Sudan and contributes to realizing the national priorities for development.
She indicated that the plan supports the socio-economic development in the country, ability to face climate change and provision of social services.
It is worth mentioning that the signed plan covers the axes of good governance, supremacy of the rule of law, stability of communities, peace-building, environment and development of natural resources.